Want to learn more about how to get the maximum benefits out of your medical plan?
Join us Thursday, October 12th at 3:30 pm on zoom to hear from our SISC Representative on everything our provider has to offer.
The AREA Bargaining Team would like to thank each and everyone of our members that stood strong in solidarity with us as we pursued a fair and reasonable settlement for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Below you will see the written language for Article IV - Calendar and Article XVI - Salary. AREA wanted to post the tentative agreement language with the new salary schedules, however, since we have not received them yet from the District, we didn't want to keep you waiting. Once we get the new schedules we will post them here.
This Tentative Agreement will be explained and discussed at Mondays Rep Council meeting. There will also be an informational meeting for all AREA Member via Zoom on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 at 4PM. The link is below.
The next steps will be once the salary schedules have been verified and posted at each work site along with a copy of this tentative agreement for 5 work days, AREA will be voting to ratify the contract.
If you have not been getting the updates sent out by the President, please reach out to president@areatoday.org to make sure we have your correct email address on file. Please include your: name, personal phone number, personal email address and your school site. Correspondence CAN NOT be sent through arusd email, it must be a personal email address.
Tentative Agreement Meeting Recording https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/6sl0N8-0CsZ_dot3IgH7XaAdsWlwQkISOJ0gtrmMkej73FKWNqFIgmoqfomMc4fg.UsRvIhByC3WyOK_X
Passcode: mH!ih*00
Below is a list of important dates regarding Involuntary and Voluntary Excessing, next year's assignment, and placement date. Some of these dates were changed in our recent settlement of our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Please read carefully, there have been significant changes to our bylaws to align with CTA.
AREA will be holding its general election for open officer
positions during the last full week of May.
All terms are 2 years.
The following offices will be up for election during EVEN voting years:
President, Vice President, Intermediate Grades At Large Director (3-5), and
SpEd Grade At Large Director.
NOTE: Because this is an ODD year (2023), Vice President, Intermediate and SpEd At Large Directors will be running for a ONE YEAR TERM to true up going forward. These positions will be back open for elections in the 2024 AREA General Election.
The following offices will be up for election during ODD voting years:
Treasurer, Secretary, Primary Grades At Large Director (TK - 2),
Middle School At Large Director (6-8), and Equity At Large Director.
Vice President 1 year term to true up
Treasurer 2 year term
Secretary 2 year term
Primary Grades At Large Director (TK - 2) 2 year term
Intermediate Grades At Large Director (3-5) 1 year term to true up
Middle School At Large Director (TK - -8) 2 year term
SpEd Director At Large Director 1 year term to true up
At Large Director * 2 year term
*Self identifies as BIPOC/LGBTQIA+
Nominations are OPEN, which means that anyone who is an active AREA member is eligible to nominate any other active AREA member, including herself/himself.
Anyone interested in running for any of these offices must complete a declaration of candidacy form.
All declaration of candidacy forms must be electronically submitted no later than 4 pm on Thursday, May 18, 2022.
Timeline for our General Election of AREA Officers
Monday 5/9 Request for Nominations
Thursday 5/18 All Nominations due to AREA
Monday 5/22 Candidates Announced
Wed/Thurs 5/24-25 Electronic Voting
Friday 5/26 Results posted via Email
Timeline for Our Election
Positions open for election:
*Vice President
*Tk - 2 Director
*3 - 5 Director
*Sped Director
*Director - at - Large
Please click the link below to fill out your declaration of candidacy form:
Monday 10/30 Request for Nominations
Friday 11/10 All Nominations due to AREA
Monday 11/13 Candidate Statements Posted
Thurs/Fri 11/16-17 Voting and Results Emailed at close
The NEA RA is coming to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Would you like to sit in one of the largest democratic decision making bodies in the world? Are you curious as to how education laws and lobbying is done? The NEA RA works at the national level to create policy that affects the daily life in our classrooms. The NEA RA is from July 3rd - July 7th. AREA has 3 spots available. Please use the link below to Nominate yourself for this educational and important summer job.
You must Declare by Thursday, March 28th, 2024
Candidate statements will be posted Monday, April 1, 2024
Voting will occur Thursday and Friday, April 4 & 5, 2024
The event is:
Wednesday, July 3rd - Sunday, July 7th, 2024
Please join Supervisor Cindy Chavez, The Valley Health Foundation and Amazon for a day of unity, inspiration, and empowerment as women lead the way in shaping policy and driving positive change.
You must RSVP by Friday March 17th, 2024
The event is:
Saturday March 23rd, 2024
9am to 4 pm
San Jose State University, Student Union
1 Washington Sq. San Jose, CA 95192
As we move into the summer months, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our members for all the hard work and dedication you put forth for the students and community of Alum Rock.
I would like to thank all the hard working Site Representatives that gave up Mondays to attend AREA meetings and help to answer questions and handle situations that may have arisen at your school site! You're an incredible resource and AREA could not function without you.
In the upcoming school year, we will have a new Executive Board and I would like to congratulate and thank each person that showed interest in these roles and to everyone that voted!
These positions begin July 1, 2024.
AREA's 2024 - 2025 Executive Board Officers
Sandra Rivera - President
Addie Vane - Vice President
Danielle Letts - Treasurer
Maria Martinez - Secretary / Pac Chair
Teodolinda Mendoza - TK - 2 Director
Open - 3 - 5 Director
Open - 6 - 8 Director
Arnel Ambuan - SPED Director
Lindsey Diaz - At Large Director
I hope each and everyone of you have a relaxing summer break. This is your time to relax, rest, rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. Enjoy your time with friends and family.
Thank you for everything you do!!
Sandra Rivera - President
Hello and welcome to the 2024 -2025 school year! My name is Sandra Rivera and it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your President.
I would like to introduce myself to everyone. I have been in Alum Rock for 19 years. I started my teaching career at Slonaker Elementary school where I taught kindergarten and 5th grade. I then moved to Cesar Chavez Elementary where I have taught TK, Kindergarten and 4th grade. I have been involved with AREA since my 2nd year in the district and have served as Site Rep, Organizing Team Member and Chair, Bargaining Team Member and Chair, PAC Treasurer and lastly, 13 years as Vice President.
As we begin this school year together, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your hard work and dedication to the students of Alum Rock. You are the reason the students come to school everyday. Your warm greetings, innovative lessons and inspiring drive leads as an example showing our students how to be the best they can be!
I am excited to get out to each school site in the coming months to see all the wonderful things each of you bring to our community. I am also looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you. When I do come to your site for lunch, please stop by and introduce yourself. I would like to personally get to know each and everyone of you.
Alum Rock is in a very fragile state at the moment, and I understand how the happenings in the district can make us feel uneasy. With the school board looking to make some very tough decisions in the next few months, I invite each and everyone of you to get involved, come to board meetings and have your voices heard. AREA will be here to make sure the rights of each and every one of us is protected under our Collective Bargaining Agreement.
We are all in this together. If you would like to become more involved in AREA, there are many ways to do so. There are still a few sites that are in need of Site Reps. Also, in the next few months we will be holding a special election as we look to fill our Executive Board. The positions that are open are: 3-5 Director and 6-8 Director. I am also looking to fill our appointed positions: Equity and Human Rights Chair and committee, PAC committee, Grievance committee, Communication committee, Organizing committee, Instruction and Professional Development committee, New Member Task Force, and Member Engagement Task Force. If you would like to learn about the different ways you can become involved, please go to the AREA Resource page and see the descriptions for each committe in our Standing Rules.
Please wear your AREA t-shirts on Mondays and stay connected!
Stay Strong, Stay United...We Are AREA!!
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